
Want to know how to support your child to explore themselves, their career choices and make a plan? Then check out the Careerpilot website!

The main site is free to access but Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub has provided funding to enable the first 200 young people to register to get the full Careerpilot experience!

To sign up simply click ‘Register’ on the top right of the Careerpilot homepage and choose ‘Home Education Futures Swindon and Wiltshire’ as the 'School' and your child can get going using all of Careerpilot’s amazing quizzes and tools.

Remind your child to ‘Tag’ (on the top right of most of the pages) what they like, to build their Career Tools report.

Registration is quick and easy and gives full access to the Careerpilot website and resources offering careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place – and a Parent Zone just for you!

Watch the Careerpilot video to explore more about Careerpilot and how to get registered.

The website features a specialised section tailored for home-educated students, along with the following offerings:

Watch the Careerpilot video which explains what your child can be doing to manage their career.

Careerpilot Parent Zone

The Careerpilot Parent Zone provides you with the answers to some frequently asked questions you may have about:

  • choices at 14, 16 and 18
  • further education college
  • apprenticeships and traineeships
  • higher education (including HE provided at local colleges)
  • job sectors and growth
  • funding and support

Access the Parent Zone from the Careerpilot home page  or by clicking on this link Parent Zone

The site is managed by the Western Vocational Progression Consortium based at the University of Bath and funded through a partnership of  universities, Uni Connect and Career Hubs